Izmir Ephesus Tours

dot Ephesus Tour Guide

It can be said that Ephesus is one of the most beautiful and largest ancient cities in the world. This beatiful city was once on the water, in ancient times its favorable location at the mouth of the Cayster River made it the foremost commercial city ,but the silting up of its harbour gradually resulted in the loss of this preeminence. The city was excavated for more than one hundred and fifty years and the extensive remains are predominanly from the later Roman period.
According to historians and archaeologist, Ephseus was first founded by the Amozons and then Greeks came and took over the control, then Persians riled the city, then Alexandre the Great libarated city from the Persians and then Romans. During the Roman time Ephesus became very important trade and religious centre. It was the capital of Roman empire in Asia minor for that reason it was called as ‘’the light of Asia Minor’’. The city was located not only on the intersection points of the Roman roads but also very close to Temple of Artemis which carries great importance for the Pagan World. Before Chiristianity people were pagan in Ephesus. They worshipped to Artemis beside Artemis they worshiped to their emperors as the God, but while Chiristianity began to spread among the people St.Paul came Ephesus. By the way he was born in Turkey in Tarsus (southern part of the country). Epheus is vividly alluded to in Acts 19-20 in connection with St.Paul’s extended ministry at Epheus. He probably spent two and a half years in Ephesus during his third missionary journey,until a riot forced him to leave the city rapidly. Beside St.Paul, St.John and Virgin Mary ended up Ephesus after crucifixion.
Ephesus formed to a focal point in the ancient world because of its protected harbour and as a starting point for the Royal road via Sardes to Susa. It was also a cult centre attracting thousands of pilgrims for traditonal worship of the female Artemis and the Virgin Mary in the Christian period.
And the myth of the foundation of Ancient City Ephesus goes back to the period before the Ionian colonization. In ancient times it was a custom to consult the oracle before any important event. Therefore Androclus, the king of Athens had gone town to Delphos in order to see what to do. Oracles told him a story, they told him, ‘’ keep going till you see a fish and a wild boar, they will show you where to stop to find your city’’. He said ‘’okay, lets get on the boats and keep sailing’’. They kept sailing till they ended up on a beach which was not so far from a hill that you will see on the way to Ephesus. They had a camp on the beach, they caught fish, lit the fire while they were cooking them a fish from the fire jumped onto a bush, then bush started burning, there was a wild boar inside the bush, hiding and started to run away. Androclus saw the boar running, started to chaise it and killed it. Then he remembered the words of the oracle’’ A fish and a wild boar will show you the place to find your city.
As you can see Ephesus has very rich history, lots of stories, myths and beside these one of the well preserved and largest ancient cities in the entire world. That is why it is always recomended people to have a Ephesus tour guide. Become a tour and tourist guide in Turkey is getting harder and and harder in Turkey. After high school you have to take an exam. A good achievement required. Then you go to universiy to study for four years. This is still not enough to get guiding licience. After you graduated from the university, you have to travel all over in the country it takes about 40-45days then you declare it to the Ministry of tourism affair. Then you pick up a foreign language and you have to pass that language exams, eventually you have to right to get guiding licience.There are about 15.000 professional tour guides who hold the licience in Turkey majorly serving in Istanbul, Cappadocia and Ephesus on daily tours or escorted around Anotolia and the whole country. There are 2 different license types as national and regional. National license holders are able to serve throughout Turkey and regional license holders can only serve in one specific region as local guidance. You can easily check their licience since they have to carry them on while on tour.
So having an Ephesus tour guide in the Ancient City of Ephesus always makes you to feel more comfy. You will be explained the history and significance behind every structure. That having been said, there's no denying that seeing the ancient city with your own private Ephesus Tour Guide is the best way to fully appreciate the richness of Ephesus’s history and culture. Unlike a guidebook, a private guide can answer any question that may pop into your head, not only about Ancient City Ephesus but also about region, food, shopping, country, culture or religion,etc. Explain what you're seeing right at that moment, and provide far more information than can fit in a book. Guides know how to use your precious travel time most efficiently (especially if you are from a cruise ship), the tricks of the trade and the current situation and all the best photography angles and locations. As anyone who has ever employed a Ephesus tour guide knows, it is not just a guide's knowledge that makes a tour successful, but also his or her personality and sensitivity to your needs and wants.

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